Results for 'Sonja E. Koski'

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  1. Exorcising Grice’s ghost: an empirical approach to studying intentional communication in animals.Simon W. Townsend, Sonja E. Koski, Richard W. Byrne, Katie E. Slocombe, Balthasar Https://Orcidorg Bickel, Markus Boeckle, Ines Braga Goncalves, Judith M. Burkart, Tom Flower, Florence Gaunet, Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock, Thibaud Gruber, David A. W. A. M. Jansen, Katja Liebal, Angelika Linke, Ádám Miklósi, Richard Moore, Carel P. van Schaik, Sabine Https://Orcidorg Stoll, Alex Vail, Bridget M. Waller, Markus Wild, Klaus Zuberbühler & Marta B. Manser - 2016 - Biological Reviews 3.
    Language’s intentional nature has been highlighted as a crucial feature distinguishing it from other communication systems. Specifically, language is often thought to depend on highly structured intentional action and mutual mindreading by a communicator and recipient. Whilst similar abilities in animals can shed light on the evolution of intentionality, they remain challenging to detect unambiguously. We revisit animal intentional communication and suggest that progress in identifying analogous capacities has been complicated by (i) the assumption that intentional (that is, voluntary) production (...)
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    Exorcising Grice's ghost: an empirical approach to studying intentional communication in animals.Simon W. Townsend, Sonja E. Koski, Richard W. Byrne, Katie E. Slocombe, Balthasar Https://Orcidorg Bickel, Markus Boeckle, Ines Braga Goncalves, Judith M. Burkart, Tom Flower, Florence Gaunet, Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock, Thibaud Gruber, David A. W. A. M. Jansen, Katja Liebal, Angelika Linke, Ádám Miklósi, Richard Moore, Carel P. van Schaik, Sabine Https://Orcidorg Stoll, Alex Vail, Bridget M. Waller, Markus Wild, Klaus Zuberbühler & Marta B. Manser - 2017 - .
    Language's intentional nature has been highlighted as a crucial feature distinguishing it from other communication systems. Specifically, language is often thought to depend on highly structured intentional action and mutual mindreading by a communicator and recipient. Whilst similar abilities in animals can shed light on the evolution of intentionality, they remain challenging to detect unambiguously. We revisit animal intentional communication and suggest that progress in identifying analogous capacities has been complicated by (i) the assumption that intentional (that is, voluntary) production (...)
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    Studies of the influence of differential visual experience on figural aftereffects.E. Mavis Hetherington, Herbert L. Pick & Charles H. Koski - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (5):466.
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    Effects of consummatory response punishment in spatial-discrimination learning and response fixation.Charles H. Koski & Leonard E. Ross - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (4):360.
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    More Than Meets the Eye: The Merging of Perceptual and Conceptual Knowledge in the Anterior Temporal Face Area.Jessica A. Collins, Jessica E. Koski & Ingrid R. Olson - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Face to Face.Sonja Windhager, Dennis E. Slice, Katrin Schaefer, Elisabeth Oberzaucher, Truls Thorstensen & Karl Grammer - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (4):331-346.
    Over evolutionary time, humans have developed a selective sensitivity to features in the human face that convey information on sex, age, emotions, and intentions. This ability might not only be applied to our conspecifics nowadays, but also to other living objects (i.e., animals) and even to artificial structures, such as cars. To investigate this possibility, we asked people to report the characteristics, emotions, personality traits, and attitudes they attribute to car fronts, and we used geometric morphometrics (GM) and multivariate statistical (...)
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  7. Copyright as a Jewish Ethical Issue.Rabbi Hara E. Person & PhD Rabbi Sonja K. Pilz - 2019 - In Mary L. Zamore & Elka Abrahamson, The sacred exchange: creating a Jewish money ethic. New York, NY: CCAR Press.
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  8. The Functional Role of Neural Oscillations in Non-Verbal Emotional Communication.Ashley E. Symons, Wael El-Deredy, Michael Schwartze & Sonja A. Kotz - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  9. From intuitionistic logic to dynamic operational quantum logic.Sonja Smets - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 91 (1):257-275.
    Research within the operational approach to the logical foundations of physics has recently pointed out a new perspective in which quantum logic can be viewed as an intuitionistic logic with an additional operator to capture its essential, i.e., non-distributive, properties. In this paper we will offer an introduction to this approach. We will focus further on why quantum logic has an inherent dynamic nature which is captured in the meaning of "orthomodularity" and on how it motivates physically the introduction of (...)
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    On Causation and a Counterfactual in Quantum Logic: The Sasaki Hook.Sonja Smets - 2001 - Logique Et Analyse 44.
    We analyze G.M. Hardegree's interpretation of the Sasaki hook as a Stalnaker conditional and explain how he makes use of the basic conceptual machinery of OQL, i.e. the operational quantum logic which originated with the Geneva Approach to the foundations of physics. In particular we focus on measurements which are ideal and of the first kind, since these encode the content of the so-called Sasaki projections within the Geneva Approach. The Sasaki projections play a fundamental role when analyzing the condition (...)
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    Sanctioning Knowledge.Sonja Brentjes - 2014 - Al-Qantara 35 (1):277-309.
    En este artículo se estudian historias sobre gobernantes y príncipes de tres dinastías - ‛abbāsí, normanda y timurí – y su representación narrativa como conocedores de las ciencias matemáticas, la geografía y la historia. Se argumenta que constituyen un conjunto de formas positivas de aprobar o impugnar el conocimiento en esas sociedades, prescribiendo jerarquías de formas de conocimiento y jerarquías de gentes e instituciones que deciden acerca de la veracidad del conocimiento. Se sugiere que esas historias comparten su origen y (...)
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    Spinoza et la politique de la multitude.Sonja Lavaert & Pierre-François Moreau (eds.) - 2021 - Paris IIe: Éditions Kimé.
    Violence, domination, inégalité, tyrannie et insurrections : la réflexion de Spinoza sur le droit et la politique ne se limite pas au pacte social, ni à la liberté de philosopher. Il ne s'agit pas seulement de dresser la liste des droits respectifs du souverain et des sujets, dans le sillage des théories du droit naturel. Déjà Althusser avait rapproché Spinoza de Marx et Alexandre Matheron avait montré le rôle essentiel des passions dans la Cité et ses transformations. Toute une génération (...)
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    Deploying Identity for Democratic Ends on Jan Publiek– A Flemish Television Talk Show.Sonja Spee & Kathleen Dixon - 2003 - European Journal of Women's Studies 10 (4):409-422.
    If public self-expression is a crucial feature of democracy, how might it work on the democratic – or at least, mass – medium par excellence, television? Television talk shows often allow ‘ordinary’ participants the opportunity to express themselves, i.e. deploy identities, feelings and opinions, presumably to further their own ends. This article uses speech act theory and Bakhtinian genre theory to analyze the talk on Jan Publiek, a Flemish talk show. This close reading helps to determine how two of the (...)
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    Die Neuordnung pflanzengeografischen Wissens als „Transitzone“ Wallacea. Ein amerikanisches Expansionsprojekt auf den Philippinen, 1902–1928.Sonja Walch - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (3):245-264.
    The Reshaping of Phytogeographical Knowledge as the “Transition zone” Wallacea: An American Expansion Project in the Philippines, 1902–1928. This paper examines the development of a concept that to this day plays an important role in biogeography: the region Wallacea. Focussing on the work of the American tropical botanist Elmer D. Merrill in the Philippines, I argue that his research on the geographical movement and settlement of Philippine plants reflects a shift in the United States’ scientific and cultural understanding of the (...)
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  15. Distinct Patterns of University Students Study Crafting and the Relationships to Exhaustion, Well-Being, and Engagement.Lina Marie Mülder, Sonja Schimek, Antonia Maria Werner, Jennifer L. Reichel, Sebastian Heller, Ana Nanette Tibubos, Markus Schäfer, Pavel Dietz, Stephan Letzel, Manfred E. Beutel, Birgit Stark, Perikles Simon & Thomas Rigotti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Job crafting has been established as a bottom-up work design instrument for promoting health and well-being in the workplace. In recent years, the concepts of job crafting have been applied to the university student context, proving to be positively related to student well-being. Building on person-centered analyses from the employment context, we assessed approach study crafting strategy combinations and the relationships to students’ exhaustion, study engagement, and general well-being. Data from 2,882 German university students were examined, collected online during the (...)
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  16. Quantum logic as a dynamic logic.Alexandru Baltag & Sonja Smets - 2011 - Synthese 179 (2):285 - 306.
    We address the old question whether a logical understanding of Quantum Mechanics requires abandoning some of the principles of classical logic. Against Putnam and others (Among whom we may count or not E. W. Beth, depending on how we interpret some of his statements), our answer is a clear "no". Philosophically, our argument is based on combining a formal semantic approach, in the spirit of E. W. Beth's proposal of applying Tarski's semantical methods to the analysis of physical theories, with (...)
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  17. The logic of quantum programs.Alexandru Baltag & Sonja Smets - unknown
    We present a logical calculus for reasoning about information flow in quantum programs. In particular we introduce a dynamic logic that is capable of dealing with quantum measurements, unitary evolutions and entanglements in compound quantum systems. We give a syntax and a relational semantics in which we abstract away from phases and probabilities. We present a sound proof system for this logic, and we show how to characterize by logical means various forms of entanglement (e.g. the Bell states) and various (...)
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  18. Keep ‘hoping’ for rationality: a solution to the backward induction paradox.Alexandru Baltag, Sonja Smets & Jonathan Alexander Zvesper - 2009 - Synthese 169 (2):301-333.
    We formalise a notion of dynamic rationality in terms of a logic of conditional beliefs on plausibility models. Similarly to other epistemic statements, dynamic rationality changes its meaning after every act of learning, and it may become true after players learn it is false. Applying this to extensive games, we "simulate" the play of a game as a succession of dynamic updates of the original plausibility model: the epistemic situation when a given node is reached can be thought of as (...)
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    Toby E. Huff. Intellectual Curiosity and the Scientific Revolution: A Global Perspective. xiii + 354 pp., illus., bibl., index. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. $27.99. [REVIEW]Sonja Brentjes - 2012 - Isis 103 (1):179-180.
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    Cornel Zwierlein. Imperial Unknowns: The French and British in the Mediterranean, 1650–1750. xiii + 400 pp., figs., bibl., index. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. £29.99 (paper); ISBN 9781316617502. Cloth and e-book available. [REVIEW]Sonja Brentjes - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):883-884.
  21. The role of consumers' trust in online-shopping.Sonja Grabner-Kraeuter - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1-2):43 - 50.
    Many consumers are sceptical or suspicious about the functional mechanisms of electronic commerce, its intransparent processes and effects, and the quality of many products that are offered online. This paper analyses the role of consumer trust as a foundation for the diffusion and acceptance of electronic commerce. Starting from a functional perspective trust is seen as distinct but potentially coexisting mechanism for reducing the uncertainty and complexity of transactions and relationships in electronic markets. The analysis focuses on conditions of e-commerce (...)
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    Philosophers and professors behaving badly: Responses to ‘named or nameless’ by Besley, Jackson & Peters. An EPAT collective writing project.Tina Besley, Liz Jackson, Michael A. Peters, Nesta Devine, Cris Mayo, Georgina Tuari Stewart, E. Jayne White, Barbara Stengel, Gina A. Opiniano, Sean Sturm, Catherine Legg, Marek Tesar & Sonja Arndt - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (3):272-284.
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    Comment: The Next Frontier: Prosody Research Gets Interpersonal.Marc D. Pell & Sonja A. Kotz - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (1):51-56.
    Neurocognitive models (e.g., Schirmer & Kotz, 2006) have helped to characterize how listeners incrementally derive meaning from vocal expressions of emotion in spoken language, what neural mechanisms are involved at different processing stages, and their relative time course. But how can these insights be applied to communicative situations in which prosody serves a predominantly interpersonal function? This comment examines recent data highlighting the dynamic interplay of prosody and language, when vocal attributes serve the sociopragmatic goals of the speaker or reveal (...)
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    Scham und Schuld.Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl - 2009 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2009:137-173.
    This essay tries to elaborate an accurate description of shame and guilt from the agent’s point of view by focusing on typical cases of such experiences. In a first step, we approach the peculiarity of a phenomenological investigation by introducing three methodical directions. All of them are formulated in a negative mode, i.e., in terms of prohibition, namely: the instruction not to adhere to a naïve notion of phenomenon, not to project reflective attitudes into the prereflectively given, and not to (...)
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    Representationalism and beyond: A phenomenological critique of Thomas Metzinger's self-model theory.Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (10-11):88-108.
    Thomas Metzinger's self-model theory offers a framework for naturalizing subjective experiences, e.g. first-person perspective. These phenomena are explained by referring to representational contents which are said to be interrelated at diverse levels of consciousness and correlated with brain activities. The paper begins with a consideration on naturalism and anti-naturalism in order to roughly sketch the background of Metzinger's claim that his theory renders philosophical speculations on the mind unnecessary. In particular, Husserl's phenomenological conception of consciousness is refuted as uncritical and (...)
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    Logic of Justified Beliefs Based on Argumentation.Chenwei Shi, Sonja Smets & Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):1207-1243.
    This manuscript presents a topological argumentation framework for modelling notions of evidence-based (i.e., justified) belief. Our framework relies on so-called topological evidence models to represent the pieces of evidence that an agent has at her disposal, and it uses abstract argumentation theory to select the pieces of evidence that the agent will use to define her beliefs. The tools from abstract argumentation theory allow us to model agents who make decisions in the presence of contradictory information. Thanks to this, it (...)
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  27. The limits of representationalism: A phenomenological critique of Thomas Metzinger's self-model theory.Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl - 2005 - Synthesis Philosophica (40):355-371.
    Thomas Metzinger’s self-model theory offers a frame¬work for naturalizing subjective experiences, e.g. first-person perspective. These phenomena are explained by referring to representational contents which are said to be interrelated at diverse levels of consciousness and correlated with brain activities. The paper begins with a consideration on naturalism and anti-naturalism in order to roughly sketch the background of Metzinger’s claim that his theory renders philosophical speculations on the mind unnecessary . In particular, Husserl’s phenomenological conception of consciousness is refuted as uncritical (...)
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    On a Supposed Contradiction in Max Weber’s Logic of Science.Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl - 2023 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 44 (1):125-168.
    This paper grapples with two objections against Max Weber’s methodology that arise because Weber borrows some ideas from Heinrich Rickert’s neo-Kantian philosophical system. The first objection (“the contradiction argument”) is raised by Julius J. Schaaf who disagrees with Weber’s claim that historical objects are constituted through retrospectively and hypothetically applied selections of value relations and that we can understand these objects. Weber’s idea that the relating ideal type constructions are also non-arbitrary—i.e., not merely subjective—and can be rectified, Schaaf maintains, contradicts (...)
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    Religiosity, Spirituality, and God Concepts.Christian Zwingmann & Sonja Gottschling - 2015 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 37 (1):98-116.
    Within a German sample, the current cross-sectional questionnaire study conducts interreligious and interdenominational comparisons between Catholics, Protestants, free-church Protestants, Bahá’ís, Muslims, Spiritualists, i.e., religiously unaffiliated persons who label themselves as “spiritual,” and religious/spiritual “nones.” The comparisons refer to self-ratings of religiosity and spirituality, centrality of religiosity, as assessed by the Centrality of Religiosity Scale, and God concepts. The study is largely exploratory in nature, but also aims at identifying contexts of faith in which the term “spiritual” is typically used as (...)
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    Is there a European common good?Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Alexander Somek & Doris Wydra (eds.) - 2013 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "The common good and how it can be pursued is a contested question in every polity. It touches upon the core principles of a society and shapes political debates and processes, institutional logics and constitutional settings. The nature and potential finality of the European integration project cannot be understood without taking the question into account. Despite the success story of European integration, it is still an open question wether the Union is in fact more (...)
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    Infantologies. An EPAT collective writing project.Michael A. Peters, E. Jayne White, Marek Tesar, Andrew Gibbons, Sonja Arndt, Niina Rutanen, Sheila Degotardi, Andi Salamon, Kim Browne, Bridgette Redder, Jennifer Charteris, Kiri Gould, Alison Warren, Andrea Delaune, Olivera Kamenarac, Nina Hood & Sean Sturm - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-19.
    Infantologies is a collective writing project designed to express and summarise important ideas, approaches and forms of advocacy in a short and condensed method, in order to present a network of d...
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    Editorial: Current research and emerging directions on the cognitive and neural organization of speech processing.Patti Adank, Carolyn McGettigan & Sonja A. E. Kotz - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Infanticides: The unspoken side of infantologies.Marek Tesar, Michael A. Peters, E. Jayne White, Sonja Arndt, Jennifer Charteris, Aleryk Fricker, Viktor Johansson, Sean Sturm, Nina Hood & Andrew Madjar - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-15.
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    Etablierung von Pflegekammern in Deutschland – Professionelle Verantwortung und gesellschaftliche Notwendigkeit: Konsentierte gemeinsame Stellungnahme der beiden Arbeitsgruppen „Pflege und Ethik I“ und „Pflege und Ethik II“ in der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin (AEM) e. V.Constanze Giese, Andrea Kuhn, Sonja Lehmeyer, Wolfgang Pasch, Annette Riedel, Lutz Schütze & Stephanie Wullf - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (1):105-110.
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    Truth-Tracking by Belief Revision.Alexandru Baltag, Nina Gierasimczuk & Sonja Smets - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (5):917-947.
    We study the learning power of iterated belief revision methods. Successful learning is understood as convergence to correct, i.e., true, beliefs. We focus on the issue of universality: whether or not a particular belief revision method is able to learn everything that in principle is learnable. We provide a general framework for interpreting belief revision policies as learning methods. We focus on three popular cases: conditioning, lexicographic revision, and minimal revision. Our main result is that conditioning and lexicographic revision can (...)
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  36. Empirical Relationships Among Five Types of Well-Being.Seth Margolis, Eric Schwitzgebel, Daniel J. Ozer & Sonja Lyubomirsky - 2021 - In William Lauinger, Measuring Well-Being: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities. New York, NY, USA: pp. 339-376.
    Philosophers, psychologists, economists and other social scientists continue to debate the nature of human well-being. We argue that this debate centers around five main conceptualizations of well-being: hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, desire fulfillment, eudaimonia, and non-eudaimonic objective-list well-being. Each type of well-being is conceptually different, but are they empirically distinguishable? To address this question, we first developed and validated a measure of desire fulfillment, as no measure existed, and then examined associations between this new measure and several other well-being measures. (...)
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  37. Causal Agency and Responsibility: A Refinement of STIT Logic.Alexandru Baltag, Ilaria Canavotto & Sonja Smets - 2020 - In Alessandro Giordani & Jacek Malinowski, Logic in High Definition: Trends in Logical Semantics. Springer. pp. 149-176.
    We propose a refinement of STIT logic to make it suitable to model causal agency and responsibility in basic multi-agent scenarios in which agents can interfere with one another. We do this by supplementing STIT semantics, first, with action types and, second, with a relation of opposing between action types. We exploit these novel elements to represent a test for potential causation, based on an intuitive notion of expected result of an action, and two tests for actual causation from the (...)
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  38. Cognitive and Physiological Measures in Well-Being Science: Limitations and Lessons.Benjamin D. Yetton, Julia Revord, Seth Margolis, Sonja Lyubomirsky & Aaron R. Seitz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Social and personality psychology have been criticized for overreliance on potentially biased self-report variables. In well-being science, researchers have called for more “objective” physiological and cognitive measures to evaluate the efficacy of well-being-increasing interventions. This may now be possible with the recent rise of cost-effective, commercially-available wireless physiological recording devices and smartphone-based cognitive testing. We sought to determine whether cognitive and physiological measures, coupled with machine learning methods, could quantify the effects of positive interventions. The current 2-part study used a (...)
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  39. A new measure of life satisfaction: the Riverside Life Satisfaction Scale.Seth Margolis, Eric Schwitzgebel, Daniel Ozer & Sonja Lyubomirsky - 2018 - Journal of Personality Assessment 101:621-630.
    The Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985) has been the dominant measure of life satisfaction since its creation more than 30 years ago. We sought to develop an improved measure that includes indirect indicators of life satisfaction (e.g., wishing to change one’s life) to increase the bandwidth of the measure and account for acquiescence bias. In 3 studies, we developed a 6-item measure of life satisfaction, the Riverside Life Satisfaction Scale, and obtained reliability and validity evidence. (...)
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    Sonja Brentjes. Teaching and Learning the Sciences in Islamicate Societies (800-1700).M. Fariduddin Attar - 2021 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 7 (2):237-239.
    Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences, issued twice a year in English and Turkish (Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi), is a refereed international journal. It publishes original studies, critical editions of classical texts and book reviews on Islamic philosophy, kalām, theoretical aspects of Sufism and the history of sciences. The goal of Nazariyat is to contribute to the discovery, examination and reinterpretation of the theoretical traditions in the history of Islamic thought, by giving (...)
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    Review of Routledge Handbook on the Sciences in Islamicate Societies: Practices from the 2nd/8th to the 13th/19th Centuries. Edited by Sonja Brentjes. [REVIEW]Daniel Martin Varisco - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (4):901-902.
    Routledge Handbook on the Sciences in Islamicate Societies: Practices from the 2nd/8th to the 13th/19th Centuries. Edited by Sonja Brentjes. New York: Routledge, 2022. Pp. xxxvii + 837. $200, £152 (cloth); $45.56, £34.39 (e-book).
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  42. The Study of Visual and Multimodal Argumentation.Jens E. Kjeldsen - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (2):115-132.
    IntroductionIf we were to identify the beginning of the study of visual argumentation, we would have to choose 1996 as the starting point. This was the year that Leo Groarke published “Logic, art and argument” in Informal logic, and it was the year that he and David Birdsell co-edited a special double issue of Argumentation and Advocacy on visual argumentation . Among other papers, the issue included Anthony Blair’s “The possibility and actuality of visual arguments”. It was also the year (...)
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    Levinas and the Philosophy of Religion.Jeffrey L. Kosky - 2001 - Indiana University Press.
    Levinas and the Philosophy of Religion Jeffrey L. Kosky Reveals the interplay of phenomenology and religion in Levinas’s thought. "Kosky examines Levinas’s thought from the perspective of the philosophy of religion and he does so in a way that is attentive to the philosophical nuances of Levinas’s argument.... an insightful, well written, and carefully documented study... that uniquely illuminates Levinas’s work." —John D. Caputo For readers who suspect there is no place for religion and morality in postmodern philosophy, Jeffrey L. (...)
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    Breached horizons: the philosophy of Jean-Luc Marion.Rachel Bath, Antonio Calcagno, Kathryn Lawson & Steve G. Lofts (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Part I. Reflections on the past : a mor et memoria / Ugo Perone -- Givenness, grace, and Marion's Augustinianism / Felix O Murchadha -- Way of being given / Pierre-Jean Renaudie -- On the threshold of distance / Ryan Coyne -- Part II. Present openings : reading textual dramatics / Stephen E. Lewis -- The moving icon / Jodie McNeilly -- Love without bodies / Cassandra Falke -- As an Orpheus of phenomenality -- Part III. Breaching future horizons : (...)
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    Expanding human research oversight.Ellen Holt - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (2):215-224.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12.2 (2002) 215-224 [Access article in PDF] Bioethics Inside the Beltway Expanding Human Research Oversight Ellen Holt [Table]Overwhelmed by all the changes and proposed changes in the system to ensure human subject protection? It is an important subject and one in which everyone is interested. Being for human subject protection is like being for Mom. However, we all know that Mom sometimes can be (...)
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    Risks, Benefits, and Conflicts of Interest in Human Research: Ethical Evolution in the Changing World of Science.Greg Koski - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (4):330-331.
    A generation ago, we adopted a national system for the protection of human subjects in research. Today, that system is facing new challenges. Many argue that the system has failed to evolve in concert with dramatic changes in the research environment. Accordingly, efforts are underway to reform the existing process to make it both more efficient and more effective. At the same time, many are also reexamining the system in more fundamental ways — going well beyond considerations of policies and (...)
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    ‘Love Strong as Death’.Jeffrey L. Kosky - 2022 - In Kevin Hart & Michael A. Singer, The Exorbitant: Emmanuel Levinas Between Jews and Christians. Fordham University Press. pp. 108-129.
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    From the heart: a memoir and a meditation on a vital organ.Jeffrey L. Kosky - 2024 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    In a contemporary world where political, environmental, and personal crises succeed one another without respite, it is no surprise that many resort to either nihilism or despair. From the Heart gives us reasons why we should still care--about anything. It finds support in authors as diverse as Friedrich Nietzsche and Saint Augustine, Soren Kierkegaard and Karl Ove Knausgaard, and in modern and contemporary artists such as Tehching Hsieh, Bas Jan Ader, and Christian Boltanski-all of whom provide material for a rich, (...)
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    On Descartes' Metaphysical Prism: The Constitution and the Limits of Onto-Theo-Logy in Cartesian Thought.Jeffrey L. Kosky (ed.) - 1999 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Does Descartes belong to metaphysics? What do we mean when we say "metaphysics"? These questions form the point of departure for Jean-Luc Marion's groundbreaking study of Cartesian thought. Analyses of Descartes' notion of the _ego_ and his idea of God show that if Descartes represents the fullest example of metaphysics, he no less transgresses its limits. Writing as philosopher and historian of philosophy, Marion uses Heidegger's concept of metaphysics to interpret the Cartesian corpus—an interpretation strangely omitted from Heidegger's own history (...)
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    The Phenomenology and the Philosophy of Running: The Multiple Dimensions of Long-Distance Running.Tapio Koski - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book describes and analyzes the levels of experience that long-distance running produces. It looks at the kinds of experiences caused by long-distance running, the dimensions contained in these experiences, and their effects on the subjective life-world and well-being of an individual. Taking a philosophical approach, the analysis presented in this book is founded on Maurice Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of the body and Martin Heidegger's fundamental ontology. Running is a versatile form of physical exercise which does not reveal all of its (...)
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